All gardeners in the Fox Point Community Garden agree to abide by the following:

Come to Workdays and Community Events:

Workdays will be scheduled throughout the season. Please keep your information current with the Garden Manager. You are required to give at least 2 hours of time per month to the garden (in addition to tending your own plot) in maintenance.

Be Fair With Land:

There is a waitlist for plots. Only the Garden Manager may give out plots. Plots are non-transferrable to family or friends upon termination of membership.

Keep The Garden Clean & Safe:

  • Dispose of all trash “non-plant materials” in city trash barrels.

  • Do not put plant material in the city trash barrels, please use the brown leaf bags or compost bins

  • Do not extend “pokey things” outside of your plot. Trellises do not have to be commercially produced, but please keep it safe for everyone in the garden.

  • Do not ever leave any objects in the pathways, specifically difficult-to-see objects, like tomato cages. If found, the plots surrounding the offense will be notified and on alert.

  • Compost dead plants (no seeds, weeds, or intact woody plants). Break down large, woody stems.

  • Do not throw entire plants into the compost.

  • No meats, fats, dairy, or unbroken eggs should go in the compost. Food scraps should be taken to the Harvest Cycle bins,

  • Do not throw compostable items into the city trash bins. It is not neighborly.

  • Occasionally go out into the grassy areas and ensure there are no rocks or stones that can get caught in the riding mowers that the city uses.

  • Do not use Chemical Pest Killers or Non-Organic Fertilizers (e.g., Miracle Gro), or Synthetic chemical pesticides and fertilizers (e.g., Miracle Gro, Round Up, Malathion); A good rule of thumb: if you’re not sure, don’t use it until you ask someone.

Conserve Water:

Use mulches such as straw, leaves, grass clippings, compost or buckwheat hulls. Do not use hoses on your plot; please use watering cans. Please leave watering cans in an organized state near water sources. Pay attention when filling your watering can and be sure to turn off the spigot when you are finished.


When frost is expected at the end of growing season, the garden manager will alert you to harvest all tender produce. With a two (2) day notice, and the gleaning date announced, tender crops may be collected from plots and donated. Hardy produce and flowers will not be gleaned.

Gardeners who do not want to donate for any reason should directly message the Garden Manager.


Visitors are always welcome at the garden. Please take ownership of the garden and show people around, explain what we do and invite conversations about organic gardening.

Tend Your Plot:

If you go out of town, ask someone to tend your plot in your absence. Tidy your plot for winter by removing dead plants and/or planting a cover crop. Untended plots will be reassigned by the Garden Manager following due notification. If you find that you are unable to tend your plot, please tell the Garden Manager by the end of July so a new gardener can plant for the Fall Season.


All children must be supervised at all times. If you choose to let neighborhood kids in without their parents, recognize that you are assuming the responsibility of supervising them.


Pets are welcome in the garden, but they must be leashed at all times.


Keep the gates open while you are in the garden. Actively invite curious community members to explore and answer inquiries about joining our garden. Lock the gates if you are the last one out. Make sure the shed is locked, please, even if you did not open it.

Respect Each Other:

Do not harvest from other people’s plots without permission. Return all communal gardening supplies to their proper location.

Know The Rules:

The Garden Manager will contact you if s/he believes you are in breach of the above listed rules, agreed to in your contract. The Fox Point Community Garden retains the right to terminate any membership by majority vote of the Garden Board.

COVID Regulations: 

FPCG observes all the COVID rules set by the City of Providence.