Recently, you may have noticed the sun’s more languid visits. We only have a few more weeks ’til Spring rears its glorious head! As the season grows near, I’d like to know what kinds of things you’d like to see on the website. Currently, I’m aiming for the following:

  • Plot pages: When you’re in the garden and see a plot that either is abundant, abandoned or you have a question about it, this would be an area where you could contact the plot owner. Note: this would be for plots, not for people, so that when people change, the plots do not.
  • Calendar of what to do now: A seasonal calendar with ideas of what you can do for your own plot, and what kinds of things need to be done for the garden.
  • Plant dates
  • Harvest dates
  • Seasonal Recipes

Taking suggestions!  This is going to be a great season!


Spring Cleaning!

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